We’re looking for minerals, royalties, and other oil & gas properties.
Are you considering selling yours?
Minerals & Oil Properties
Diverse knowledge that can help you get the most out of your options.
Consultation Services
Expert help with oil & gas, title, legal, and land consultation, and problem solving.
Government Contracting
Experienced help for government construction, parts, supplies, and other government contracting.
Interested in selling your minerals, royalties, or other oil and gas properties?
We are also interested in buying leases if your interest is not currently leased. Do you have Overriding Royalties to sell?
Just contact us to discover your options. Include the following information:
- Legal Description
- Net mineral acres
- Whether the interest is covered by an oil and gas lease
- If leased, what is the royalty (e.g., 3/16)?
- Is there a producing well?
- Are you a Working Interest Owner?
- Is your interest subject to a mortgage?
Title Opinions
Contact us to get an experienced attorney’s expert title opinion for oil properties in Oklahoma, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wyoming, and Arkansas.
Keever & Jenni
Music by Keever & Jenni, a talented duo!
Ring of Fire
This is one of my favorite songs by Johnny Cash
Stateline Road by Gary Gorence
Stateline Road written & performed by Gary Gorence, The Road Song Project Purchase album here:https://theroadsongproject.bandcamp.com/album/the-road-song-project
River Stone by Gary Gorence
Riverstone, Written & Performed by Gary Gorence, The Road Song Project Purchase album here:https://theroadsongproject.bandcamp.com/album/the-road-song-project
Second Wind by Gary Gorence, The Road Song Project
Second Wind, Written & Performed by Gary Gorence, The Road Song Project Purchase album here:https://theroadsongproject.bandcamp.com/album/the-road-song-project
Switchyard Blues, by Gary Gorence
Switchyard Blues, Written & Performed by Gary Gorence, The Road Song Project Purchase album here:https://theroadsongproject.bandcamp.com/album/the-road-song-project
The Road Is A Song by Gary Gorence
The Road Is A Song, Written & Performed by Gary Gorence, The Road Song Project album Purchase album here:https://theroadsongproject.bandcamp.com/album/the-road-song-project

Mark Ready
Manager and Principal of New Millennium Minerals and Royalty, LLC, an Oklahoma Limited Liability Company.
Mark Ready is an Oklahoma licensed Attorney and is a Landman too, with oil and gas experience from the late 1970’s to present. Additionally, he has experience with Federal Government contracts from 1988 to present, contracting for services including construction, IT and professional services, also supplies. Many companies doing business with the Federal Government could use help through the regulatory Federal system. Through this time, Mark has learned a lot, giving him good problem solving skills for varying situations.
New Millennium Minerals and Royalty, LLC was formed to provide consultation services for people who seek guidance on matters related to oil and gas properties, Federal government contracts and other issues.
We can provide expert title opinion services for those in the oil & gas industry acquiring properties, drilling wells and preparing divisions orders. Qualified, very experienced Attorneys are available.
This site also has a place where things of interest may be presented for the general enjoyment of the site visitor.
The name “New Millennium” reflects optimism for the future. At a time when we were all told oil supplies were running out and we were at Peak Oil, an old time independent oilman told Mark that we’re not close to running out of oil. He said more is in the ground waiting on better technology. He was right. He said this just before the Horizontal Drilling Boom started. Now, we’re awash in oil and gas. America is energy independent. There is a bright future ahead and we’re looking into it.
Keep in Touch
We’d love to stay in touch with you! Stick in your email below and every once in a while we’ll shoot you an email with fun and/or helpful information.
Contact Info
Questions? Comments? We’d love to chat. Simply send us a message or contact us via this info:
PO Box 391,
Piedmont, OK 73078
+1 (405) 473-3244
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